Advanced Features

Revolutionary Podcast Creation

Transform your content into engaging conversations with our cutting-edge features.


Personalized Voice Cloning

Create your digital twin as a podcast host with advanced voice cloning technology.

  • Clone your voice using ElevenLabs technology
  • Create your digital twin as a podcast host
  • Add a co-host with another custom voice
  • Build your voice portfolio for different shows
Personalized Voice Cloning

Custom Podcast Personalities

Design unique host personalities and conversation styles for your shows.

  • Design unique host personalities
  • Set conversation styles (casual, professional, humorous)
  • Create preset host pairs for consistent shows
  • Define custom speaking patterns and dynamics
Custom Podcast Personalities

Full Creative Control

Take complete control over your podcast's content and flow with our intuitive editor.

  • Edit conversation flow before audio generation
  • Modify speaker interactions
  • Fine-tune each sentence and response
  • Add natural pauses and transitions
Full Creative Control